Vinyasa & Yin Yoga Retreat

Friday 8th August to Thursday 14th August 2025

A 6-night luxury escape yoga retreat from Friday 8th August to Thursday 14th August, with top-class yoga teacher Carmel Cronin who will teach flowing and restorative yoga this week.

  • Have fun and discover new things
  • Enjoy social interaction with like-minded people
  • Over 20 hours of yoga and meditation classes
  • Daily outings into the Burren Hills and by the sea
  • Amazing vegetarian food by our talented chef
  • Luxurious facilities at our new ‘State of the Art’ retreat
  • Sample the best local cuisine
  • Freedom and peace of mind in our Digital Free Environment
  • A true escape from everyday life will make this an unforgettable and possibly the best holiday of your life.

Carmel teaches flowing yoga and places a lot of emphasis on the breath and bringing your awareness inwards.

In her flowing classes  one’s focus is maintained on the breath, and coordinating the breath with the flowing movements.  Carmel’s Yin yoga is more relaxing and restorative.

The flow class on this New Year Yoga Retreat in the morning will start with Pranayama (breath practise) to ground and center followed by Vinyasa flow sequences- Vinyasa means movements with breath making Yoga essentially a breath focused movement practise or moving meditation.

Poses will be taught from foundational level up with sound anatomical principles so new students can work safely to explore or more experienced students can deep their practise.

Sequences will flow from simple to more energetic – this class will tone, strengthen and increase flexibility.

The class in the morning will be more energising and in the afternoon more relaxing on this yoga and meditation retreat.

Carmel’s soothing voice will encourage each person to challenge themselves in a safe way while she keeps an eye on each person to ensure you are practicing correctly.

The Yin class will consist of long held seated poses where poses will be held typically held for 2 to 4 mins to access the body’s connective tissue. This stretches and tones ligaments, joint capsules, tendons, bones and all the body’s fascia preventing inflammation and improving mobility.

There is a meditation class in the morning and evening each day, and one of the benefits of our week-long retreats is that you can then take these practices home with you.

See top class yoga teacher Carmel’s yoga bio at the end of this page.

The Burren Yoga Retreat is located at the foot of the Burren hills nestled amongst the hazel trees.

You are surrounded with a vast choice of special places in the Burren where we go for hill walks, Nature Trail walks, walks by the sea, beautiful beaches and forests to explore.

There are optional activities such as surfing, kayaking, sea swimming, swimming in our nearby lake which heats up during the summer.

For further details click here or to book directly with the centre call Dave on 091 637680 or email the centre at