Burren Yoga Retreats 2023

Vinyasa, Yin Yoga & Meditation Retreats in The Burren

Friday 19th to Thursday 25th July 2024 

Come and experience a tranquil yet rejuvenating  break at the luxurious Burren Yoga & Meditation Center. Treat yourself to a weekend , Bank Holiday weekend or a whole week – you choose!

A retreat in the Burren yoga centre consists of an inviting and uplifting timetable of yoga & meditation over a weekend, long weekend or a whole week of classes by experienced yoga and meditation teacher Carmel Cronin.

The retreat includes:

  • Introduction to meditation and deepening of your practice
  • Breathing practices and breath awareness
  • Vinyasa yoga classes
  • Yin yoga classes
  • Restorative yoga
  • Yoga Nidra deep relaxation
  • Delicious organic vegetarian meals
  • Comfortable accommodation at the centre
  • Guided outing in the beautiful Burren by an experienced guide
  • Sample local cuisine at a local restaurant or café.
  • Enjoy meeting like-minded people in this relaxed friendly environment.


There are also optional activities such as surfing, kayaking, sea swimming, swimming in our nearby lake which heats up during the summer which can be done during the week long retreats in the Summer.

Also Full Body Massage is avilable as an optional extra by a qualified Massage therapist  during the week-long retreat.

Enjoy relaxing Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Meditation as well as energising Vinyasa flow yoga, scrumptious organic veggie food, and enjoy local Burren eco walks surrounded by beautiful nature. The morning practice entails Vinyasa flow to energise and strengthen the body with a focus on meditation followed by a hearty breakfast before going on to trek in nature or by the sea.

The afternoon session consists of calming yin yoga, restorative yoga and meditation to de-stress, heal and nourish depleted energy  and frazzled nervous systems. Each day concludes with restorative yoga and yoga Nidra to lull into a peaceful night sleep.

This retreat is suitable for all ages and all levels of fitness and experience but will also challenge each person to work with the postures to their own ability.

A yoga retreat is the perfect way to enjoy time out away from the routine or stresses of life as well as time away from digital technology. Come alone or bring a friend, partner or family member.

For further details click here or to book directly with the centre call Dave on 091 637680 or email the centre at dave@burrenyoga.com

Chair/Therapy Yoga - 14th September @ 9:45 a.m.

Chair/Therapy Yoga is a moderate exercise that promotes flexibility and strength, and is suitable for all, especially people with limited/restricted mobility or those wanting a gentler pace class and who want to do something about their health and well-being, but cannot, for various reasons, sit on a yoga mat for any length of time.

Classes begin with a warm-up through breathing, stretching, and mobility exercises, and continue with guided movements for each part of the body, using props if necessary with most of the class done seated on a chair. Benefits include improved circulation, increased mobility, improved digestion and enhances brain function. Students are always advised to work at their own pace.

Chair yoga is an open-level class and is suitable for all.

Yin Yoga - 13th September @ 8:00 p.m.

Yin yoga targets your deep connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. It’s a slower and more meditative class, giving you space to turn inward and tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body.

Because you’re holding poses for a longer period of time than you would in traditional styles of yoga, yin yoga helps you stretch and lengthen those rarely-used tissues while also teaching you how to breathe through discomfort and sit with your thoughts.

Energetically by stretching and deepening into the connective tissue, we’re opening up any blockages and releasing energy Qi ( vital energy) to restore healthy flow. All poses are done seated and poses are typically held for longer to access deeper tissues. The class also focuses on meditation to enhance overall holistic health. The class is open to all levels and can be done after eating and wearing your comfiest PJs!

Dynamic Flow - 13th September @ 6:00 p.m.

Dynamic Flow is a flow class sequencing poses in an instructive and informed way, linking breath and movement with particular attention to functional alignment using alternative ways to explore and enhance posture, flexibility, and mobility.

The class will include both seated and standing poses and some props will be used.

The class includes the fundamentals of breath work and meditation to deepen one’s practice. Level 1-2.