Privacy Policy

Yogazone Privacy Policy.

At Yogazone we respect your right to privacy. We will only use information about you in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, General Data Protection Regulations 2018 and other relevant legislation and regulations.

Personal Data:

Personal data means data (whether stored electronically or paper based) relating to a living individual who can be identified directly or indirectly from that data (or from that data and other information in our possession).

We collect and maintain information which identifies you in order to provide our services to you including courses and events at Yogazone Studio. We collect the information you provide, such as email address, mailing address or telephone number in case we need to contact you.

We process your personal information:

  •  to acknowledge, confirm and send you details of workshop or courses/classes you have booked into
  • where we are asked to deal with any enquiries or complaints you make
  • if you work with Yogazone in a paid or voluntary capacity
  • to manage any application process to one of our courses such as a Teacher Training or Workshop.

Data we hold:

We hold your name, email address, mobile contact, location and records of workshop attendance on our mailing list, in order to communicate with you regarding our events workshops and classes. You have given these details to us when you signed up to our mailing list or booked to attend a workshop, training or course of classes or expressed an interest in the studio events or classes.

We also may keep basic health information that you supplied at courses or events to provide as background information which is used initially as part of our safeguarding procedure to ensure that everyone attending courses/classes are doing so safely, and also kept as evidence to protect us in case of later litigation in compliance with studio insurance. Some of our events include children and we hold the young person’s name, guardian names, contact details of guardian, DOB as required.

Marketing Communications:

By signing up to receive our newsletter you are consenting to receive marketing communications from us about news, upcoming events pertaining to Yoga/Pilates classes,Yoga Therapy Privates, Workshops and Teacher Trainings. If you no longer wish to be kept updated you can opt out by unsubscribing from these emails at any time by clicking the Unsubscribe link in the email or by emailing


Our website may use cookies but does not collect uniquely identifying information to assist in the website experience to the user. The same applies to google analytics cookies. Neither uniquely identify an individual but both are a necessary piece of functionality for the smooth running of our website. Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However once you have used these links to leave our site you should note that we do not have any control over that website. Therefore we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you have provided whilst visiting such sites and sites not governed by privacy policies.

What happens to the information:

Your digital data is stored digitally and to keep it safe it is protected by a firewall & network security, anti-virus software and other safeguards. Hard copies are stored in a locked cupboard in a secure office location. Access to your information is only allowed by the Yogazone manager, website administrators and software developers. All information is kept for a period of 7 years for Insurance purposes.

Keeping your data confidential:

If we believe your details have been compromised (eg through a data breach) in anyway we will inform as soon as possible of becoming aware.

Passing your data on to others:

We promise that we will only use your data for legitimate business purposes and will never give or sell your details to anyone unless you give us explicit permission, or we are legally required to do so. You have a right to see any personal information which we hold about you on written request. We are not responsible for the data policies or procedures or the content of websites linked to Yogazone. We do not export your data to any third party processor. All our IT and hosting  systems are supplied by GDPR compliant  organizations.

Accurate Data:

We will ensure that personal data we hold is accurate and kept up to date. We will check the accuracy of any personal data at the point of collection and at regular intervals afterwards. We will take all reasonable steps to amend or destroy inaccurate or out-of-date data at your instruction.

From time to time we may from ask you to refresh with your permission , your details at anytime where we feel our data is out of date.

If your data is inaccurate you can contact us at and we will amend it.