About Carmel

Carmel Cronin has been practicing yoga and meditation for over 20 years and is originally from Limerick. She has travelled extensively and lived in South Africa, UK and Paris before setting roots with her family in Cork where she now runs her own yoga studio. Carmel first came across yoga when she was in college and enjoyed the open feeling in the body and also the way the breath can bring one’s awareness inwards. She was fortunate to also be interested in meditation from an early age, and later went on to study Transcendental Meditation and found the stress relieving benefits of meditation to be life transforming. Carmel believes that meditation has the potential to create conditions of innate healing and combined with the physical practise of yoga and breathing, brings mental and physical balance to one’s whole being.


In 2002, Carmel undertook her first 200 hour yoga teacher training course, and later went on to complete a Diploma in Yoga Therapy with the YTTC. Carmel continually keeps her own training updated on an ongoing basis, and has also trained as a Yoga Tune Up Teacher and also a Yoga Tune Up Therapy Ball Practitioner as well as holding a Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology. Over the years Carmel has also studied with some renowned yoga teachers including Donna Farhi, Howard Napper, Dr Ruth Gilmore, Laurence O Toole, Andrea Ram OM, Swami Pragamurti Saraswati, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Shiva Rea, Sarah Powers and Judith Hanson Lassater. Carmel also has a love for Tai Chi, and she studied Fluid Power – The Vinyasa wave with Shiva Rea to create unique and novel vinyasa sequences.

 Her classes are focused on the simple breath & movement focus for the beginner to allow the body to open and experience the flow of vital energy, to more stronger flows for the experienced student- she believes strongly and encourages students to ‘ hold their own space with integrity’. Her deep knowledge and interest in Anatomy & Physiology , combined with a yoga therapy qualification ensure that individualised modifications and sound use of props take place for each student. She believes strongly that yoga is for all – irrespective of age, gender, beliefe system and mobility. Carmel modifies the postures individually for each student, and also uses props to maximise healing for each individual person and experience the therapeutic benefits of yoga’.


 Carmels’ teaching is a fusion of passion for yoga, meditation and breathing with a sharp wit and humour to create a livly atmosphere of effort and letting go. She teaches the alignment principles in accordance to the BKS Iyengar tradition combined with the flow of Vinyasa. Always keen to learn more and with an keen interest in fascia and energetic meridians she studied Yin level 1 & 2 with Mindfulness module – Yin Yoga a wonderful way to access the breath as well as integrating the Buddhist principle of Dharma and the liberating tools of awareness. The practise of Pranayama or, control of the breath , ensures that the experience of yoga is complete
‘…when one activly use the breath as a tool to enter a deep state of awareness in any posture , your asana practise will radically change…it will flow, energise and calm your entire being’.

Carmel also studied the ancient technique of Yoga Nidra ( yogic sleep) which brings you to a very deep state of relaxation. In this state it is then possible for you to give some guidance to your inner self to bring positive results to your life. Carmel teaches Dynamic Flow yoga , Ante -Natal, Yin, Restorative, Therapeutic, Myofascial Release and is an Indian head massage therapist and Reiki practitioner.


Chair/Therapy Yoga - 14th September @ 9:45 a.m.

Chair/Therapy Yoga is a moderate exercise that promotes flexibility and strength, and is suitable for all, especially people with limited/restricted mobility or those wanting a gentler pace class and who want to do something about their health and well-being, but cannot, for various reasons, sit on a yoga mat for any length of time.

Classes begin with a warm-up through breathing, stretching, and mobility exercises, and continue with guided movements for each part of the body, using props if necessary with most of the class done seated on a chair. Benefits include improved circulation, increased mobility, improved digestion and enhances brain function. Students are always advised to work at their own pace.

Chair yoga is an open-level class and is suitable for all.

Yin Yoga - 13th September @ 8:00 p.m.

Yin yoga targets your deep connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. It’s a slower and more meditative class, giving you space to turn inward and tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body.

Because you’re holding poses for a longer period of time than you would in traditional styles of yoga, yin yoga helps you stretch and lengthen those rarely-used tissues while also teaching you how to breathe through discomfort and sit with your thoughts.

Energetically by stretching and deepening into the connective tissue, we’re opening up any blockages and releasing energy Qi ( vital energy) to restore healthy flow. All poses are done seated and poses are typically held for longer to access deeper tissues. The class also focuses on meditation to enhance overall holistic health. The class is open to all levels and can be done after eating and wearing your comfiest PJs!

Dynamic Flow - 13th September @ 6:00 p.m.

Dynamic Flow is a flow class sequencing poses in an instructive and informed way, linking breath and movement with particular attention to functional alignment using alternative ways to explore and enhance posture, flexibility, and mobility.

The class will include both seated and standing poses and some props will be used.

The class includes the fundamentals of breath work and meditation to deepen one’s practice. Level 1-2.